Definition of "vacation"
A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation.
![]() | Peetz |
I'm the "vacation pusher". Why?... Because I am always encouraging friends, family and associates to take that MUCH needed vacation or "staycation" every year.
My own example of this would be a Caribbean Cruise in 2005. My husband and I were both so busy and stressed, we don't even remember the first two days on the ship! I think we slept the whole time. Seven days later we resembled ourselves again. A friend had encouraged us to go on that cruise. He didn't realize what a favor that was. So, since then I know!
Minimum Vacation Time Around the World, Legally Required by Country, (
28 days Australia ....Good for you, mates!
35 days Austria ....They need it, they're still getting over how they got sucked into WWII
10 days Canada ....No kidding, that's why you're all so darn friendly!
6 weeks Denmark ...So that's why they all look 19
5 weeks France ... This is why "French Women Don't Get Fat"*
20 days Hungary ....Glad to see they are "hungry" to experience life!
20 days Ireland ....20 days to be the life of the pub.....and walk the hills of green velvet
18 days Japan .....One of the highest life expectancy rates on the planet
25 days Norway ....Because some days it's just too hard to get out of bed with frozen toes
30 days Spain .....Learn to "salsa" in 30 days or less!
28 days Sweden .... Here's to you, the originators of my family tree
28 days Switzerland.... Known for being a "stoic" country, even they "get it"
None United States ....Highest rate of divorce, crime, obesity and vehicle deaths on this list
I love our country but too many of us are over stressed, over worked, over spent, over weight, and yet, "under" happy. For the sake of your overall health and quality of life, take a break. The world won't stop turning!
Show yourself and your children that there is more to life than work...
Don't be a hamster on a treadmill.
Lastly, even if you can't get time off make it a "vacation at home". Order take out, get a foot massage, don't do the dishes, (ok just do the really gross ones), have a picnic, take a bubble bath, play video games until you fall over, call your friends, watch 47 episodes of Grey's Anatomy, visit a long lost friend, play an old record or CD, have sex, roll in the grass, play tag, ride your bike, see a movie by yourself...........
This is a re-post of what was one of my more popular blog articles. Still as relevant today, in fact, even more so!
*Author: Mireille Guilan,
Anna Wendt Copyright 2012
This is very true. I have occasionally taken "a night off", which means that after working all day I get to go home and blow off my usual evening chores. It is very freeing and relaxing, and guess what? My household didn't fall apart and Child Services didn't come to take my son. :)